Sunday, November 23, 2008

She's a good girl, loves her mama
loves Jesus, and americans too
She's a good girl, crazy 'bout Elvis
loves horses, and her boyfriend too

and it's a long day livin in ...recida(sp?)
there's a freeway, running through the yard
i'm a bad boy, i don't even miss her
i'm a bad boy, for breakin' her heart

John Mayer - Free Fallin'

It's been a different type of week. Maybe it's the accumulation of several things. But a few bumps here, and work starting to pick up for everyone, I find myself being alone a lot more. And it can get a little lonely, I realize that I've lost a little be of that adventurous spirit, and just being a little bit more lazy. It dawn on me that is when I tend to find God most, when I step out, and allow Him to direct my life. It is the procrastination, "must get this done" now type attitude that I find is hampering me. Right now, I am thinking the importance of Sabbath, and that I need to make a better schedule.

This weekend, I wrote a book report, got a little reading done, and try to do some more writing... but just couldn't do it... watched 4 movies (wanted, national treasure 2, four brothers, and michael clayton. stuff i had on my hd, but never watched...) didn't know what else to do. Oh there was a classmate's birthday, but there was quite a few new ppl i haven't met before.

Anyhow, to wrap up.... stumbled onto this song.... i felt the song really hit home for me for some reason.. can't quite explain it.

1 comment:

kaegee said...

what exactly do you mean when you say that this song speaks to you. is this your admission that you are a 'bad boy'? well, i'm not sure how badass you can be but that's definitely not an adjective that first pops in my head, unless of course you want it to be then you better up your game.