Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Contacts, My Eye, It Worked!

So I just had to try it again, this is my third time going to an optometrist, I was at a drug store with a friend picking up his glasses, and i was just browsing since he had to get the spectacle adjusted. Anyhow, the lady working there asked if I needed anything, and I was like "nope, just waiting for a friend, thanks." ...... "wait, excuse me, do you do contacts here?"

well, a couple minutes later, i booked an eye appointment, and a contact wearing session.

For those who don't know, i've tried this like 2 or 3 times at an optometrist at Pacific Mall, and i wasn't anywhere close to getting it on, not even that, i don't even know how it was suppose to be if i got it on. Anyhow, i thought, what the heck, i've been here spinning my wheel trying to resolve my dissertation topic, and can't come up with anything solid, so i thought i'd get an early morning in, come to Boots, and then go to work.

Anyhow, I got in, the "real optometrist" gave me like an hour session, FULL CHECK-UP! soooo nice.... and get this, she even put in the contacts for me! i was like... WOW, this is cool, it can actually be done! Then i started feeling a little dizzy as the image wasn't as clear as when i had my glasses on... uncertain as to why, she explain because i had a slight astigamism. Anyway, it was cool, i was like... it'd be amazing to get lazer eye surgey! Anyway, that's for another day.

So half an hour later, i learned how to put in the contacts properly, that was beautiful! Anyway, just wanted to share that, it took me forever to get them in, but at least there's hope now! i might not be blind playing playing ice hockey :D

1 comment:

test said...

i can't believe you put your finger in your eye