Friday, October 14, 2011

First night in Cambodia

I'm finally here! First thoughts, it's humid, people are affectionate, i feel i can relate in that form. And my friend Patrick have greeted me at the hotel and show me a bit around the downtown of phnom penh. One thing i've found worrying is that the river looks dangerously high, and rain continues to be in the forcast. I'm not far fromthe river at all, contemplating this great rivers potential is scary.

Next, I've found myself constantly seeing and judging, there seem to be so many couples made up of a male foreigner with a local female. Some times, the relationship it seems the intend is just clear. And this was just from observation of a couple hours of eating dinner by the main river. At any rate, I need to learn to stop judging personally, but be reminded that I can only see action while His righteous justice sees and judges all.

Anyway, my cold and cough is gettig better each day.

My preparation has not increased, but my experience of His Grace and Peace have increased.

Thank you for the opportunity to meet, share a meal, talk, and prayer with and for one of your daughters in hk. I am constantly reminded that If I keep my head up, your plan just rolls in front of my next step.

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